Our First Brand Ambassador

Introducing our FIRST EVER Brand Ambassador for Leah Cheung Eyelash Extensions.

I’ve been very excited to announce this to you all! It was time that we introduced Nina Williams, our brand ambassador!

Nina is 21 years old with a huge following on YouTube of almost 13,000!

Glam is her middle name and so that’s what we give her with her lashes! Mega Volume is a must have for this lady.

She does massive clothing hauls, ‘Get Ready With Me’ videos, makeup and styling tutorials and is an overall cool gal!

She is also a model for Runaway Bride based in Wexford Town, a woman full of talents and it won’t end there.

Nina has her very own discount code which gives you 10% off the website leahcheung.com on ANY PRODUCTS OR COURSES.

Go check out her page and let’s give her a big WELCOME.

Instagram – @ninamaywilliams

YouTube – Nina Williams

Hereā€™s why 2020 Has Secretly Been a GREAT Year For You!

And how you can make 2021 even better.

(First and foremost, it must be said that my thoughts and prayers go out to anyone who has been affected by COVID-19 in any shape or form and I in no way intend to undermine the seriousness of the situation.

Jobs lost. Unable to see family and friends.

Anyone who has ultimately lost someone close to themā€¦ itā€™s awful.

To those of you reading this without having lost someone important to you, it is vital to note youā€™ve already won this battle and should be extremely grateful, despite how tough it has been.

I write these positive notes and passages with a heavy heart for those who have, however)…

Hereā€™s why 2020 Has Secretly Been a GREAT Year For You!

No Iā€™m serious, and yes you did just read that headline correctly.

Just hear me outā€¦

Let me begin by giving some context. I havenā€™t completely lost my head. Iā€™m sane enough to realise that 2020 has hardly been ideal for us as a race who long for freedom, adventure and wander.

I mean remember the first week of 2020? When COVID-19 was far from our radar, and the year still started off pretty crazy? We had Australia on fire, Trump threatening our entire existence with a potential World War III, and this deadly pandemic was slowly starting to become a force of nature that didnā€™t look like budging.

Youā€™d have to be some kind of supernatural, inconceivable soul to not let everything overwhelm you in some shape or form.

I mean, on a personal level, it kinda screwed me.

I had the summer of my dreams mapped out. I was heading stateside, to the big U S of A, touring the States of California, Arizona and Nevada. Soaking in everything the massive country had to offer me like an over absorbing sponge.

Then, the news.


In case you didnā€™t get the message, we were all locked down. Hemmed in and told not to budge like  a pack of petrified prisoners.

The situation got so bad, that even this man had no choice but to get on boardā€¦

…albeit with some winning around.

So, with all this news and restrictions, lockdown after lockdown, life put on pause, trip of a lifetime ruined, surely Iā€™ve been sulking since March with no motivation to do anything?

Absolutely not.

If anything, that couldnā€™t be further from the truth. Let me tell you why.

Part 2

With the worldā€™s drastic changes having fully embedded themselves into our daily lives, and so much taken away from us, whatā€™s the one thing we have been given in return? And in incredible abundance at thatā€¦


We as an existence and a generation have never been given more time than right now, which is ultimately our greatest resource.

Money? Great. Assets? Sure, fantastic!

But time? Time is ultimately our greatest resource. Something that is finite, precious.

Money can come and go, you will likely own multiple cars in your lifetime, or live in different locations. These are all great and super important too, but nothing eclipses time.

Being at home consistently, forgetting what the inside of an airport looks like, longing for social gatherings, it was tough at the start. I wonā€™t lie to you.

Then weirdly I started to appreciate it.

Began by thinking things I never thought I would have.. does that make sense? Yes, it does…

I started to appreciate everything on another level. What I mean by that is every little thing that I once never put any pass on because I was ā€˜busyā€™, I now stopped and thought about.

I mean who else reading this has incredibly irritating siblings? Or parents that drive you up the wall sometimes?

Or who else reading this has said something like ā€œI hate my job so much, I need to move!ā€

I guarantee lots of people are probably still complaining about these things, but readers of Leahā€™s blog? The type of people filled to the brim and overflowing with positivity? I think not!

I was moving 100 miles an hour, couldnā€™t wait to jet off to the States, not paying any attention to those around me, not really thinking long and hard about what life meant to me due to so much happening. Not questioning what makes me passionate…

Now, I respect everything so much more. My job, which I frequently gave out about. My family, who once bugged me endlessly, my time, which I had been basically wasting.

My hopes and dreams have been refuelled.

Donā€™t get me wrong, I wasnā€™t an awful human being or anything pre-2020. Itā€™s just sometimes you forget to stop and slow down amidst the madness that is everyday life.

However, 2020 has hardwired me to have an inordinate amount of gratitude and respect for the life I live, as well as giving me the encouragement to chase my dreams with an unparalleled amount of passion.

In fact, I was never really the type of guy who reached out to the universe for help, or believed in the great term ā€˜manifestationā€™. Hell I barely knew what that meant before this year! Thatā€™s how much Iā€™ve changed as a person in 2020, and for the better.

I now believe I have truly found myself as a person. I now know who Jack is, after looking for a while. I mean how couldn’t I, with all this extra time on my hands.

My advice? Use this extra time to dig deeper, to figure out what you stand for , and what gets you up out of the bed in the morning.

Use this extra time to spend it with loved ones, to tell them how much you love them, and to keep your mental health in tip-top shape

And use this extra time to ask yourself difficult questions, get out of your comfort zone, and really find out who you are as a person.

If youā€™re struggling, thatā€™s okay. Do this now and you can start 2021 on an unbelievably positive note.

Do this, and you will unlock happiness levels that are practically the pinnacle, a level you thought unobtainable. And isnā€™t that what itā€™s all about?

 Ultimately, Iā€™ve never been happier. And I really hope some of you if not all of you reading this can empathise with me.

Stay safe, stay woke, and stay healthy.


@jacomurphy – Instagram

My journey to becoming a Lash Artist at 18 years old!

Where did I begin?

Let’s take it back to when I was about 15 or 16 years old. My auntie was just getting into the lash industry and she needed a model to practice on. Of course I volunteered because wellā€¦who doesnā€™t love lashes? To be fair, I didnā€™t have a clue what they were really. But I tell ye I got HOOKED after that first set! I use to go into school with a full set of lashes and my friends were like ā€˜what are thoseā€™ and I proudly showed them off!

This was the start of my addiction and once 2017 came I had finished my leaving certificate and applied for a job. About 5 days after I had gotten a job. I knew I didnā€™t want to go to college. I donā€™t think the college scene suited me so I just decided to take the year to work.

Little did I know, that it was the beginning of my journey to where I am today.

My employer at the time asked me what I would like to learn in the salon so that I could advance in the treatment side of things. I was the receptionist at the time so I thought it would be fun to maybe dive into the lash side of things. I went on my first course in 2017, I think it was either September or October and I absolutely loved it. I remember my tutor at the time said ā€˜youā€™re a natural Leahā€™ and I felt all good about myself lol.

I then went on to do my volume course in October 2017. From then on I was thrown into the deep end I was booked up 3 weeks in advance because that was the year that lashes started to take off in Wexford, the little town I work in now.

Of course there were a lot of lessons to be learned about lashes and I feel as though all of my down days have built me up to the confidence that I have today. ‘With every new level comes new devils‘. I loved every single minute of it and still to this day I go into work every single day with a smile on my face knowing that I get to do the thing I love every day!

So fast forward 2 years in 2019, I decided to open my own business in August 2019. I was excited, nervous and ecstatic. LOTS of emotions went through my mind but the biggest one was happiness. Finally I was becoming my own boss and the entrepreneur I always knew I would become.

I did my research, looked for a premises (I rented at the time in one place for about 2 months until I found my baby which is now located on 2 Slaney Street Wexford town) and made sure I had all of my finances and tax in order as well as my receipts. It was embedded into me at the beginning to keep track of everything and make sure you are doing everything correctly!

Iā€™ve been in my little salon for just over a year now and I am now hiring my first employee. I always make sure I look after my clients and each month we do a little raffle with prizes worth 100-150 euro as a celebration of all my lovely clients.

As a business owner it’s important to take care of your clients and make sure that they are well looked after. After all, they are the heart and soul of my business. But I donā€™t want to be that business owner that never acknowledges their clients dedication to you. So I make sure I always interact with my clients and make them feel like they are part of the business because letā€™s face it, THEY ARE!

Anyone that knows me will know that I can sense when someone isnā€™t satisfied and hey that just could be a miscommunication from the two of us! Honesty is always appreciated and this is so important to me.

I am forever grateful of those who trust me with their eyes! Always providing a top quality service so that the client feels like a QUEEN afterwards with her sexy fluttery eyes!

That is my story about how I became a lash artist and it’s not the end. I am blessed to be able to do what I love every day, meet new people and make ladies feel like a bad ass babe every time they walk out of my salon!

Go for your dreams, block out those that put you down. They are the universes way of testing you to see how resilient you can be! Just go for it, you wonā€™t regret it.