The Law of Attraction is REAL! Be careful what you wish for…LITERALLY!

Ever since becoming more in tune with my surroundings and my soul I feel so much more love towards everythingā€¦and I mean everything. Iā€™m thankful for the food I have, Iā€™m thankful for the warm clothes I have, Iā€™m thankful for the technology that connects me to people around the world. I have just become a lot more thankful.

I have to thank myself too for allowing myself to be open and wanting to learn more. I donā€™t find myself procrastinating anymore and I am looking after myself more. This all came with my interest in the teachings of the Law of attraction and manifestation.

The quote ā€˜Our thoughts become thingsā€™ from the book ā€˜The Secretā€™ has big truth to that. Everything that we think of, we can manifest into our reality. The big gift that we have received in accordance with this is TIME. Imagine we manifested everything we thought about though, it would be MAYHEM!

So, the universe has blessed us with time first so we can reassess what we are thinking about to if we REALLY GENUINELY want it in our lives. So, if you think of something every single day and really visualize it then it WILL manifest. This is the beauty of the magick.

We can rethink if we really want something and if we visualize it every day and focus our intentions on it, it then will become a reality. You just need to release the HOW and the WHEN it will happen. The Universe will handle that.

I recommend reading the book ā€˜The Secretā€™ because it explains in so much more detail about how the Law of Attraction is. And once you open the book, your life begins to change.

I’m learning every single day about new topics and new teachings in regard to the Law of Attraction, but the main message is really so simple….What you think about, you bring about.

So, if you’re constantly looking on the negative side of things and always thinking that life is against you and theres nothing good about life, then YOU HAVE BEEN ATTRACTING ALL OF THE NEGATIVE EMOTIONS AND THOUGHTS YOU HAVE BEEN FEELING INTO YOUR 3D REALITY!

You say something bad to someone, you flip someone off, you beep at someone who is stressing you out in traffic, then your entire day will continue to give you bad outcomes because you LITERALLY ATTRACTED IT!

The Universe doesn’t label what is ‘good’ or ‘bad’….if your vibrations are giving out a signal to the universe of how you are feeling that particular day then the Universe is giving you back what you give out!

Think about it, the moment you change your emotions and flip the switch to a positive outlook, positive things will have to come your way.

Leah x

These 4 books to Need to read if youā€™re feeling stuck

Feeling a bit down in the dirt lately? I was like this a while back. I didnā€™t know how to get out of this rut I was inā€¦until I decided that one day, I didnā€™t want to feel this way anymore and so I decided to do some shopping on Book depository and my local bookstore.

I typed in Self Help or sometimes Spirituality books on ā€˜Book Depositoryā€™ and then whatever was ā€˜recommendedā€™ to me I just clicked clicked clicked. Until I found these amazing books online as well as from my local book store.

My top books are:

  • ā€˜The Secretā€™ by Rhonda Byrne
  • ā€˜You are a Badass at making Moneyā€™ by Jen Sincero
  • ā€˜Atomic Habitsā€™ by James Clear
  • ā€˜Good Vibes, Good Lifeā€™ by Vex King

I am totally in love with all of these books and they are at the highest recommendation level for me! I feel so much better about myself now each and everyday after taking the tips and advice that these particular authors have to offer I realise the fun and happy side of life I never knew existed!

I can promise you that these books will change your life and if Iā€™m wrongā€¦.well Iā€™m not but if you think I am then you havenā€™t opened yourself up fully to the opportunities life has to offer for you.

Read them, Love them and feel them each and everyday in your life.

To get some new books for yourself then here is the site for Book Depository, my favourite book site!

Is Magick Real?

We always hear about magick everyday. But have you been conditioned to think magick isnā€™t real? Let me tell you something.

The reason you have been conditioned to thinking it’s not real is because there are people out there who donā€™t want you believing that it’s real! It’s sad I know but thatā€™s why it’s so important to start realising our power and trusting that magick is all around us.

Now I’m not saying you have to go out and buy all these expensive witchy crafts but the core of magick is believing that it’s real and tapping into your own energy to bring out results. Thatā€™s what the law of attraction is. Thatā€™s what manifestation is. The world has so much gifts to give us and we just need to start being open to receiving them.

Doing spell work is so much fun, you can do spells for abundance, for love, for prosperity, absolutely anything. As long as you believe it then it will happen!

It’s time to start believing in magick and tapping into your own power.

I will be explaining how to begin tapping into your magickal energy on Thursdayā€™s blog post. I look forward to hearing your feedback!

Leah x