Ah yes, welcome to 2021!

The birds are singing in the trees, the sun is shining down on a brighter future for us all. Better days and more prosperous opportunities and adventures are only just around the corner at this stage…

However, we still have a tough few months to battle against.

We still have to get through this next lockdown and kick this virus to the curb. Lots of us will find the next few weeks and months difficult to deal with.

But not me. And there’s a very good reason for this.

The best way to explain it is to put it to you like this..

Ask ten people where their dream holiday or city break destination would be, and I would guess roughly six or seven of those people will respond with New York City.


The lights.

The atmosphere.

The buzz.

The drama.

The people.

The ABUNDANCE of positive energy.

I personally haven’t been to New York, but you can bet your ass I’ll be there one day.

There’s a reason so many of us long to visit this city. The energy is unparalleled in comparison with everywhere else, due to phenomenal vibrations from its residents and amenities.

You’re probably wondering why the hell I’m babbling on about the ‘Big Apple’ though, when this blog is supposed to be about one of the most pivotal universal laws…


If the well maligned and world famous law of attraction is the starring student, think of the law of vibration as the highly influential parent that taught it everything it knows.

The law of vibration suggests that absolutely nothing in our lives rests, everything around us, including ourselves, are constantly vibrating and in motion.

Bob Proctor said it well when he described us as living in an “ocean of motion”.


If you truly implement the 12 laws of the universe into your life, you will understand the impact of that quote.

Now, think of it like this, because understanding this is how to unlock the power behind the law.

Everything in the universe is made up of energy, energy which is constantly moving and vibrating at different frequencies.

When I say everything, I mean EVERYTHING.

The food you eat.

The chair you’re probably sitting on now.

And yes, YOU. WE. US.

We are literally walking, talking bundles of energy that never ever stop vibrating.

Funny, huh?

SO, having said that,

Ever wonder why you just don’t click with that one person, or that new job isn’t going as great as you’d hope?

Or to flip that, how you and a certain someone have become inseparable? And how you believe you’ve found your dream job because of how much you love it?

This is because YOUR energy is equaling the energy of said other being/job/scenario/anything!!

Your frequencies match.

You can’t force that friendship because you and the other person are operating at different frequency levels.

I mean, even if you’re not a spiritual person.

Or don’t believe in anything I’m saying,

Or think I’m talking utter s***,

You cannot argue with energy, frequencies and vibration.

It is literally science, bruh.

So, if you’re not on these spiritual vibes, throw on your science cap and get on board with what I’m tryna tell you.

In order to attract (law of attraction, see what I did there hehe) what you want, you gotta match the frequency of what you’re after.

This is why the law of vibration is secretly the law of attraction on steroids.

Implement the law of vibration into your life and you WILL see success, quote me on that.

Your attraction starts with vibration, it starts with matching the frequency of what you’re after.

It starts with you.

Signs from the Universe

Have you vowed that 2021 is going to be YOUR YEAR? I have anyway. It’s time to get going with your goals and realise that every single day is a new opportunity to become someone greater than before. Maybe you’re becoming interested in asking for signs from the universe? Maybe you have become in love with reading more self help books? Or maybe you are just watching all of these Youtube videos on bettering yourself and asking for signs from the universe?

If it’s all of the above then I applaud you for beginning to make the change. All of us want something better from our jobs or ourselves as human beings. We ask the question of ‘Why am I here?’ But maybe don’t get the answer we were hoping for.

I’m here to talk to you today about asking for signs from the Universe and how to recognise that it is a sign you are getting!

So, let’s begin firstly with this….do you meditate? Do you spend time with yourself and observe your thoughts or are you a go go go person who doesn’t even leave their phone outside of the bathroom but instead spends time scrolling when you finished your business 3 minutes ago. TIME TO STOP THAT!

You NEED to spend more time with your thoughts. You NEED to get into meditation. Because I am telling you right now, not 1 person that I have talked to about meditation has a bad thing to say about it.

The times I have heard people saying bad things about it, are the people who firstly, HAVE NEVER DONE IT, and secondly, did it once and clicked on a video that was 1 hour long so they gave up 3 minutes in.


If you want to get signs and answers from the universe, you have to begin to listen to yourself. Listen to your thoughts. Listen to the voice in your head telling you things. Sit down and just observe what is happening in your mind.

You don’t have to spend 1 hour a day on meditation. Start off small and spend 3 minutes simply listening to the sounds around you. Any thoughts that come through, let them slide by. Acknowledge them and send them off.

When you have started this and began listening, then you can ask the universe for sign. Maybe asking if you’re on the right path, if you should quit your job, if you should break up with your partner. YOU CAN ASK ANYTHING and I can guarantee you will get an answer.

Be specific with your question. For example, ‘Dear universe, please give me a sign of a robin that I am on the right path within the next 24 hours’ and then if you see a picture, a painting or a physical robin….well then there is your sign.

It doesn’t always have to be a robin, it can be ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING! As long as you set your intention, ask your question and believe that you will have your question answered. Let it go, let it out into the universe. Don’t worry about the ‘WHEN’ or the ‘HOW’. Let the universe handle that.

You just need to focus on the ‘WHAT’.